Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education
भावाअशिप - उष्णकटिबंधीय वन अनुसंधान संस्थान
ICFRE - Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur

Smt. Shashi Kiran Barve

Name : Smt. Shashi Kiran Barve  

Designation : Technical Officer

Date of Birth :    20/08/1968

Date of Joining :  11/10/1996

Date of joining present post : 08/03/2017

Discipline : Biological Science

Address (off.) :  Forest Entomology Division, TFRI,  PO-RFRC,

Mandla Road, Jabalpur 482021 (MP)

Address (resi.) :  Type II/11 , TFRI Colony,  PO-RFRC

Mandla Road, Jabalpur 482021 (MP)

Telephone (off. ):   0761-2840634, 9407389581 (M)

Fax :0761-2840484

Email address :

Educational Qualifications :B.Sc., M.A. (Hindi)

Research Experience :  

Membership/Fellowship of Professional Societies/Associations : N/A

Workshops/Conferences/Symposiums : N/A

Awards : N/A



(i)   Roychoudhury, N. and Barve, S.( 2015). Forest insects, their identification and host plants relation. In: Familiarizing with Biodiversity (Eds. S. Singh, P.K. Khatri, P.B. Meshram, P. Subramanyam and U. Prakasham). Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, pp. 103-106.

(ii)  Roychoudhury, N., Chandra, S., Singh, R.B., Barve, S.K. and Das, A.K. (2015). New record of insect pests on seedlings of Eucalyptus.  Indian J. Forestry 38(2): 117-124.

(iii)  fufru dqyd.khZ] ealwj vgen] lat; nRrk=; ikSuhdj ,oa 'kf'kfdj.k cosZ (2016) "ou jksif.k;ksa esa 'osr bfYYk;ksa ds ,dhd`r ukf'kdhV izca/ku gsrq ekxZnf'kZdk" VsfDudy cqysfVu m".k dfVca/kh; ou vuqla/kku laLFkku tcyiqj] 8 Pp.

(iv)  Kulkarni, N., Roychoudhury, N., Meshram, P.B. and Barve, Shashi  ((2017). Edited Pictorial Catalogue of Insect Reference Collection. TFRI / Book-1 /2017 / 01, 73 pp.

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