Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education
भावाअशिप - उष्णकटिबंधीय वन अनुसंधान संस्थान
ICFRE - Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur

Dr. Avinash Jain

Name: Dr. Avinash Jain

Designation :Scientist "F" & Head, Facilities and Services

Qualification: M. Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D.

Experience: 14 years

Subject Area: Climate change, Carbon sequestration, Rehabilitation of degraded lands and Impact assessment studies

Publication: 57


Research Papers

1. Jain A., S. Srivastava, A. Tripathi and D.K. Pandey (1993). Variation in strength : contributing chemical constituents in woods of some forest species. Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity. 1(2) : 229-231.

2. Jain A., S. Srivastava, A. Bhargava and A. Tripathi (1994). Studies on the physico-chemical properties of babul (Acacia nilotica) bark. Journal of Tropical Forestry. 10(III) : 217-222.

3. Srivastava S., A. Tripathi and Avinash Jain (1994).  Utilization of Pongamia pinnata oil, problems and constraints. Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity. 2(3&4) : 478-480.

4.  Jain A., N. Roychoudhury and K.C. Joshi (1995). Population outbreak of defoliator, Eutectona machaeralis Walker on teak, in relation to leaf chemical status. Myforest. 31(1) : 49-54.

5.  Jain A., Anubha Srivastava and A. Bhargava (1995). Nutritional value of seeds of Moringa oleifera Lamk. Journal of Tropical Forestry. 11(III) : 212-215.

6.  Roychoudhury N., Avinash Jain and K.C. Joshi (1995). Alteration of growth and development in leaf skeletonizer, Eutectona machaeralis Walker , due to variations in teak leaves of different maturity. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 33(3) : 227-229.

7.  Jain, A., Sandeep Sharma and Sharad Tiwari (1996). Variation in wood strength of some temperate tree species due to chemical constituents. Myforest. 32(1) : 39-44.

8.  Srivastava S., A. Tripathi and Avinash Jain (1996). Phytochemical investigation of some forest tree species for their allelochemicals and allelopathic potential. Indian Journal of Ecology. 23(1) : 21-28.

9.  Jain A., N. Roychoudhury, A. Bhargava and S. Sharma (1997). Seasonal variation in foliar protein and polyphenol of teak and their influence on population outbreak of Hyblaea puera Cram. and Eutectona machaeralis Walk. The Malaysian Forester. 60(4) : 216-228.

10.  Roychoudhury N., Avinash Jain, Rupali Pal and K.C. Joshi (1997). Antixenosis resistance in teak clones to leaf skeletonizer, Eutectona machaeralis Walker , in relation to certain phytochemicals. Malaysian Forester. 60(1) : 7-15.

11.  Roychoudhury N., Avinash Jain, K.C. Joshi and R.B. Lal (1997). Natural resistance in teak clones to leaf skeletonizer, Eutectona machaeralis Walker : An appraisal. Indian Forester. 123(11) : 1027-1035.

12.  Jain A., N. Roychoudhury, Sandeep Sharma, Alka Bhargava and N.C. Pant (1998). Host plant resistance to insect pest in teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) with reference to biochemical parameters. Indian Journal of Forestry. 21(4) : 285-289. 

13.  Roychoudhury N., A.K. Bhowmik, Avinash Jain, K.C. Joshi and S.K. Banerjee (1998). Relative resistance in teak clones to Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) Boursin (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae), in relation to certain leaf nutrients. Indian Journal of Forestry. 21(4) : 321-326.

14.  Meshram P.B., Avinash Jain and Mohit Gera (1999). Preliminary screening of Dalbergia sissoo seedlings from different seed sources for resistance to defoliator, Plecoptera reflexa Gue (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae). Indian Forester. 125(4) : 401-406.

15.  Jain A., N. Roychoudhury and Alka Bhargava (2000). Role of foliar protein and polyphenol and their relationship to clonal resistance in teak against the leaf skeletonizer, Paliga machoeralis Walker (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae). Journal of Tropical ForestScience. 12(2) : 221-226.

16.  Jain A. and N. Roychoudhury (2000). Nutrient assessment in teak leaves of different maturity. Indian Journal of Forestry. 23(2) : 155-156.

17.  Kashyap M.K., R.B. Manjhi, Avinash Jain and S.K. Banerjee (2000). Chlorophyll production in Acacia nilotica seedlings grown in flyash. Indian Journal of Forestry. 23(1) : 41-45.

18.  Bisht S., Avinash Jain and Mamta Purohit (2000). Germination of Albizia procera (Roxb.) benth seeds in response to water treatment. Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity. 7-8(1-4) : 77-82.

19.  Ginwal H.S., Avinash Jain, Mohit Gera and C. Krishnan (2000). Seed source variation in Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth. : Protein, polyphenols and growth characteristics of eleven diverse populations in India . Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity. 7-8(1-4) : 51-57.

20.  Jain A. and David R. Kelly (2001). Volatiles from essential oil of bast of Shorea robustaIndian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity. 9(1-4) : 50-54.

21.  Kashyap M.K., Avinash Jain and S.K. Banerjee (2001). Foliar biochemical composition of some plant species growing near thermal power plants. Indian Journal of Environmental Sciences. 5(1) : 11-17.

22.  Jain A., A.K. Singh, S.K. Banerjee and P.K. Shukla (2002). Chemical screening of different clones of Tectona grandis in relation to resistance against their key defoliators. Indian Journal of Forestry. 25(3) : 254-273.

23.  Jain A., A.K. Singh, Hori Lal and S.K. Banerjee (2002). Chemical and biochemical composition of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) leaves in relation to soils of different agroclimatic zones. Indian Forester. 128(7) : 786-794.

24.  Jain A. and S. Bisht (2002). Clonal variation in chemical and biochemical characteristics of Populus deltoides Marsh in India . Myforest. 38(4) : 391-398.

25.  Banerjee, S.K. , A.K. Singh, A.K. Bhowmik and Avinash Jain (2002). Effect of lime kiln pollutants on soil and vegetation in Katni area (M.P.). Journal of Tropical Forestry. 18(II & III) : 41-50.

26.  Bisht S., Avinash Jain, Neelima Sharma, Samidha Pandey and S.K. Banerjee  (2002). Forest Products. 9(1-2) : 26-31.

27.  Jain A. (2003). A solid sample injection device for the analyses of Shorea robusta (Dipterocarpaceae) bast volatiles. Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 15(4) : 630-632.

28.  Banerjee S.K., A.K. Singh, A. Jain and P.K. Shukla (2003). Response of conservation measures on the growth of planted species and improvement in soil properties in a degraded area. The Indian Forester. 129(12) : 1504-1516.

29.  Jain A., A.K. Singh and S.K. Banerjee (2003). Provenance variation in seed characteristics and germination behaviour of Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) in Central India . Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity 11 : 64-68.

30.  Roychoudhury N., Avinash Jain and K.C. Joshi (2003). Host plant preference in Hyblaea puera Cramer and role of certain leaf chemicals on growth of defoliator. Indian Journal of Forestry. 26(2) : 156-158.

31.  Banerjee S.K., T.K. Mishra, A.K. Singh and Avinash Jain (2004). Impact of plantation on ecosystem development in drastically disturbed coal mine overburden spoils. Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 16(3) : 294-307.

32. Sahu T.K., T.K. Mishra, Avinash Jain and S.K. Banerjee (2004). Impact of different management systems on biodiversity conservation : A case study. Indian Forester. 130(9) : 991-1007.

33. Bhowmik  A.K., R. Sett, Avinash Jain and S.K. Banerjee (2005). Impact of eco-restoration on degraded forests of Niwas, west Mandla division (M.P.). Indian Agriculturist. 49(1&2) : 39-51.

34. Pandey S., S.B. Sharma and Avinash Jain (2005). Evaluation of neem seeds testing for viability. JNKVV Research Journal. 39(1) : 113-115.

35. Jain A., A.K. Bhowmik, R.B. Manjhi and S.K. Banerjee (2006). Variation in morphological characteristics of Azadirachta indica A. Juss. in different populations of  central India . Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity. 14(2) : 160-165.

36. Pandey S., Shashi Bhusan Sharma and Avinash Jain (2006). A new report on abnormal seedlings in Azadirachta indica (A. Juss.). The Indian Forester. 132(3) : 386.

37. Banerjee S.K., Avinash Jain and P.N. Mishra (2007). Ground flora diversity under man-made forest in stress site. PART II. New introduction and elimination of species in plantation of Bursera penicillata of different spacings. Indian Journal of Forestry.30(1) : 29-40.

38. Jain A. and Pranav Dhar (2008). Evaluation of provenances for seedling growth and biomass attributes in Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Indian Forester. 134(7) : 907-915.

39. Jain A. and S.K. Banerjee (2008). Impact of protection on degraded forests of Orissa by Village Suraksha Samitis (VSS). Ecology Environment and Conservation. 14(2-3) : 269-276.

40. Bhowmik A.K. and Avinash Jain (2008). Evaluation of forest tree species in pot culture using limestone mine spoil. Indian Agriculturist. 52(3-4) : 151-157.


Book Chapters

1.  Roychoudhury N., Avinash Jain and K.C. Joshi (1995). Resistance in teak clones against leaf skeletonizer, Eutectona machaeralis Walker (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae).  Advances in Forestry Research in India , International Book Distributors, Dehradun. XIII : 140-157.

2. Roychoudhury N., Avinash Jain, K.C. Joshi and B.N. Gupta (1995). Concept of natural resistance of trees to insects. Advances in Forestry Research in India . International Book Distributors, Dehradun. XIII : 210-220.

3.  Roychoudhury N., Avinash Jain and K.C. Joshi (1996). Concept of antixenosis resistance of plants to insects. Advances in Agricultural Research in India . International Book Distributors, Dehradun. 5 : 37-41.

4.  Jain A. and N. Roychoudhury (1997). Phytochemistry of teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.) : A critical review. Advances in Forestry Research in India . International Book Distributors, Dehradun. XVII : 1-39.

5.  Roychoudhury N., Avinash Jain and K.C. Joshi (2001). Insect pests of teak and breeding for insect resistance. Genetics and Silviculture of Teak. Edited by A.K. Mandal and S.A. Ansari. International Book Distributors, Dehradun. 187-205.

6.  Banerjee, S.K., Avinash Jain and P.K. Shukla (2003). Productivity enhancement of degraded land through afforestation and use of amendments. Advances in Forestry Research in India . International Book Distributors, Dehradun. XXVI : 150-173.

7.  Jain A. and P.B. Meshram (2003). Screening of bamboo species for resistance to defoliator, Pyrausta bambucivora Moore . Advances in Forestry Research in India . International Book Distributors, Dehradun. XXVI : 215-226.

8.  Jain A., A.K. Bhowmik, V. Nath and S.K. Banerjee (2009). Impact of plantation on ecosystem development in drastically disturbed coalmine overburden spoils. In : Sustainable rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems. (Ed.) O.P. Choubey, Vijay Bahadur and P.K. Shukla. Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors, Jaipur (Rajasthan) 190-206.

9. Banerjee S.K., Avinash Jain and A.K. Singh (2009). Ground flora diversity under man-made forests of D. sissoo and B. penicillata in stress sites. In : Biodiversity, Impact and Assessment (Ed.) P.C. Trivedi. Pointer Publishers, Jaipur (Rajasthan) 239-263.

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