Welcome to Van Sangyan

Van Sangyan is an open-access e-magazine published by TFRI, Jabalpur, addressing practicing foresters, farmers and tree growers. This e-magazine is available for free download on the institute’s website.

How to Publish

We welcome the readers of Van Sangyan to write to us about their views and issues in forestry. Those who wish to share their knowledge and experiences can send them : 

by e-mail to                           vansangyan_tfri@icfre.org,                                     


or, through post to               The Editor, Van Sangyan,

Tropical Forest Research Institute,

PO-RFRC, Mandla Road,

Jabalpur (M.P.) - 482021.

The articles can be in English, Hindi, Marathi and Oriya, and should contain the writers name, designation and full postal address, including e-mail id and contact number.

TFRI, Jabalpur houses experts from all fields of forestry who would be happy to answer reader's queries on various scientific issues. Your queries may be sent to The Editor, and the expert’s reply to the same will be published in the next issue of Van Sangyan.